Friday, January 9, 2009

First steps...

I've decided you have to start somewhere. I have family and friends spread out all over the place, and sometimes it's a challenge to keep up. Sure, there's Facebook, Myspace, email, phone, and webcams, but still I somehow manage to get out of touch with people.
As I type this, I am thinking, that a blog probably isn't going to fix this problem either, it might add to it!
Here we are, we live here. Where? Pukwana, South Dakota, even the spell check doesn't recognize Pukwana, that's your first clue as to where it is!
My husband ranches/farms with his father here and I arrived here via marriage. No, it wasn't mail order. We met in college and well, that's the end of it. We have 1 child, he's almost two.
I can't believe how time passes, 10 years since highschool, 7 since college, 6 since marriage, 2 since baby. I remember my grandparents telling me the older you got, the faster time flew. They weren't kidding.

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Ranch life

Ranch life
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