Sunday, January 25, 2009

Flu Bug

What a weekend. I have to say, that the winter months are never kind to Memphis. He seems to seldom catch a break from the sniffles or the flu. He fell victim to the latter last night. Nothing like a enjoying lasagna on a Saturday night, with your mother, father, aunt and uncle in law when suddenly you have concern about your child. I thought he'd swallowed something at first, as he kept gagging. He didn't swallow something, he was just sick and proceeded to throw up all over the kitchen floor at Grandma's house during supper. I did feel bad for the dinner guests, but I was thankful it was just the flu.
It was a rough night, he was sick until about 3 am and all he wants is to drink any liquid we give him in huge gulps. Try to explain to a 23 month old how to drink slowly!
I do have to say, I was so proud of Memphis, as he has now learned how to sit up and wait for the bucket before he get's sick. I know it's disgusting, but it makes a huge difference in clean up.

The flu's been making it's rounds in town, hopefully it will be limited to Memphis. I don't think Cade or I want to share in this experience.

1 comment:

  1. Wow... pretty graphic. Its times like this I'm glad you're all the way in SD. Hope he gets well soon!


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